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Implementations of that API for various popular http servers and containers. A set of companion libraries for interoperating with various popular JVM libraries. What are the design goals? Immutable - everything expressed as pure functions. Focused - do one thing, do it well. Performant - suitable for stream processing of very large requests.
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Streamlining deployment of high-speed broadband could help close the digital divide. Broadband Expansion is Vital to Latino Access, Adoption, and Digital Engagement. Streamlining deployment of high-speed broadband could help close the digital divide. HTTP Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership.
It is the age of multiscreen and multitasking. Yet, executing integrated advertising campaigns across channels and devices poses significant challenges. Httpool is committed to change that. Reach your target audience across channels and devices! Increase advertising revenues of your website or mobile application! Httpool is a cross-channel ad network, with 21 offices across Europe and Asia. It offers the broadest range of ad products and solutions across multiple channels and devices! .
Епохата е на multiscreen and multitasking - потребителите все по-често използват няколко устройства едновременно и разделят вниманието си между тях. Организирането на рекламни кампании, които обединяват различни устройства все още е сериозно предизвикателство. Httpool се ангажира да предложи ефективно решение. Достигнете до желаната аудитория през различни канали и устройства. Повишете приходите си от реклама от Вашия сайт или мобилно приложение. Партньорството с Twitter се разраства.